Croce Bianca_Trieste
Croce Bianca_Trieste

Farmacia Picciola alla Croce Bianca

Via A. Oriani, 2 – Trieste (TS)

Farmacia Picciola alla Croce Bianca

Trieste, which came under Habsburg rule in 1382, welcomed its first apothecary societies in the 15th century; the local community actually awarded three-year contracts to provide this service. With the proclamation of Trieste as a free port at the beginning of the 18th century, the city enjoyed a golden age, rivalling Venice in its maritime trade, which included a special antidote to venoms and poisons which was very popular in the East.

Of the twelve pharmacies in business in 1799, the one named “dell’Imperatore Romano” was run by a certain Giuseppe Klerr. It was bought in 1802 by Antonio Lizzulli, who appointed Antonio Giovanni Picciola from Umago director in 1832. He would later become the sole owner in 1847. During the cholera outbreaks which ravaged the city in the first half of the 19th century, his “Roob Anticholerico” was used extensively and although this remedy was never officially attributed to him, he was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Order of Francis I for his philanthropy.

He died in 1869, leaving a son, G. Antonio Junior, who was only three. He took over management of the pharmacy in 1889, upon obtaining a diploma in “Artis Pharmaceutica Magistrum” from Graz. His original diploma is displayed next to his portrait.

Upon joining the family business, he began producing a host of medicines which, according to the laws of the day, he could sell to others. In 1818, after the defeat of Austria, the pharmacy, previously named after the Emperor Franz Joseph, became “Croce Bianca”.

A few years later, Massimiliano Du Ban joined the pharmacy as Picciola’s apprentice. He was the first generation of the family which still runs the business today and became owner in 1947, followed in 1972 by his son Giorgio and, today, his grandson Massimiliano Junior.

The pharmacy, renovated throughout and extended in 1989, has preserved its original atmosphere, even though its archives, collection of artwork and some of the shop fittings have been moved upstairs.