Journal of the History of Pharmacy
“Atti e Memorie” is the journal of the Italian Academy of the History of Pharmacy and has been published every four months since 1984. It was a pet project of Cristoforo Masino, a pharmacy historian and founder of the Academy who wanted to provide some kind of continuity for the scientific papers written by its members and make them available for scholars of the discipline. It is sent free of charge to its members, partners, important libraries, faculties of pharmacy and anyone who requests it from the Academy chairman, thus supporting cultural and historical research work promoted by the Academy and funded mainly by donations from members.
ATTI E MEMORIE, Journal of the History of Pharmacy
Managing editor: Ernesto Riva
Editorial staff: Chiara Beatrice Vicentini, Giovanni Cipriani, Carla Camana
Editorial office: Via Cal Longa, 62 - 32035 SANTA GIUSTINA (BELLUNO), ITALY
Contact the editorial staff
Instructions for authors
Instructions for readers